Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The As A Visual And Television Culture - 1209 Words

Throughout the years, types of media have gradually changed. One of the most recent changes taking place in the second half of the twentieth century. In his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman talks about the change from the age of typography to the age of visual media and how it has greatly impacted the American culture. Postman points out several reasons to support his opinion that the transition has indeed proven to have a negative effect on the American people. How did, what was once almost entirely a typographical culture, become so completely a visual and television culture? Postman begins explaining this transition by first describing what life in the 1800’s looked like. â€Å"Until the 1840’s, information could move only as fast as a human being could carry it†¦ America was still a composite of regions, each conversing in its own ways, addressing its own interests. A continent-wide conversation was not yet possible† (64). The only information people knew of the outside world was learned either by word of mouth or written letters delivered in person. Because it was so difficult to obtain information, Americans generally were only concerned with what was going on in their immediate surroundings. Even newspapers were mostly about local happenings. The gap was closed in 1837 with the invention of Samuel Morse’s telegraph. The telegraph provided a way for Americans to connect with people who would normally be too far to communicate with. 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